Friday 3 May 2013

100 Drawings Illustration.

 Here we have my 1000 drawings made up from artifacts from museums. The museums I visited were the British museum and the Horniman museum. The British museum is one of my favourite museums for artifacts and I am mainly intrigued by all the oriental figurines they have in there. I like the Imperial China section of the museum because it's mainly influenced by buddhist culture and they have a lot of religious figurines which I find beautiful and interesting to draw.  The craftmanship in some of the figurines are amazing and you will find a lot of them are made from Jade or other precious stones and worth a fair amount of money. 
 In the Asia part of the museum there are lots of shrines and figures influenced by Budhism, Jainsism and Hinduism. These figures tend to use a lot of gold and bright colours and I have depicted them in my drawings by using an array of bright colours and different media.
The horniman museum is in Forest Hill and it was the first time i'd visited there. They had a lot of natural history also the musical instruments I have drawn were from the Horniman.  

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